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Why Install Panic Bars

Panic bars are often seen in schools, hospitals, shopping malls, and office buildings. This is a safety door that is installed so that large amounts of people can effectively escape when necessary. It is an exit door that is pressed from the inside to open. Panic bars are often referred to as crash bars. If there is an emergency situation, this type of door will save lives. In years past, they have been known to do this very think, save lives. Before the panic bar was invented, there was unfortunate loss of life do to people being trapped with no way out. There is a horizontal spring-loaded bar across the front of the door. When the bar is pressed, it unlatches the lock. This will make it easy for people to move out the door more swiftly without anyone being trampled on. This appeared to be part of the problem during previous tragedies.

If you think of the amount of people that visit schools, malls, hospitals, movie theaters and other place where large amounts of people are found, it makes sense that they are installed in larger buildings. It’s important that people see a clear exist that they can easily get in and out of so that they know that they have a way out if something should happen. The key to getting people out safely is to make sure they don’t begin to panic. Once people start to panic, they begin to create a commotion, which can result in loss of life. If you have a lot of people trying to exit a building at once without an easy way for them to exit the building, panic will ensue. The panic bar is design to only open from the inside. This means that no one will be able to gain access from outside. When there is a tragedy, family and friends may attempt to run back inside to get their loved ones out. This could create a worse situation and prevent people from exiting the building. That is why the door only opens from one direction.

If panic bars were in place back in the 1800’s, 180 children who were trapped and died, would have all made it out safely. Also, if there were safety bars during the early 1900’s, the Chicago fire that killed 600 people in a theater wouldn’t have happened. It is due to these types of incidents and others that someone decided that created a safe exit door would be in everyone’s best interest and help prevent anymore loss of life.


If you are wondering about whether or not you should have panic bars, consider these advantages:

  1. Several Choices – There are several different choices for panic doors. There are some that have an alarm that will sound when unauthorized entry is attempted. Some have a vertical bar, while others come with cross bars. They are also offered in different sizes and prices.
  2. Affordable – When you think about the dangerous situations that can occur without panic bars, we’re sure that you’ll find $100 panic bars worth it. We would consider even the most expensive model of panic bars, at only $300, still an affordable safety option. It is possible for you to have several exits, such as the ones you will find at the movie theater. When you do, relying on a locksmith to install them may have its benefits. They may offer a discount if you are having several panic bars installed.
  3. Safety – It goes without saying that safety is the primary benefit to having panic bars. People are effectively and safely able to evacuate the premises without any incident. Having them only installed from the inside means that no one from outside can attempt to get in at the same time that people are exiting the building. This also keeps people safe from potential harm. The ones with alarms are especially helpful in keeping people out who don’t belong inside. In order to receive maximum benefits from this type of door a qualified professional should install it.
  4. Low Insurance Premiums – Business owners or business managers should be aware of the insurance savings they may experience from having panic bars installed. If you work from an operating budget, it could help lower your money premium expenses. You have to consider things such as whether or not you have enough smoke detectors or carbon monoxide detectors for your property. Why not mark one less thing off of your list by investing in a panic bar that can save thousands of lives.
  5. They Are Effective – You already know the purpose of a panic bar but you may not know just how effective they actually are. Their effectiveness should be your primary concern. OSHA has made them mandatory for some businesses and facilities. It’s helpful to check your municipality to be sure that you are in compliance with their regulations for safety and security.


Many tragedies have occurred in the past due to the inability to effectively get out of a building with large amounts of people. However, now that there is something to prevent this from occurring, why not give it some consideration. Regardless of the size of your business, it is still a good idea to make sure you have at least one panic bar installed. Having a panic bar can make all the difference in how effective you are in being able to save the lives of yourself and others.

It is not the most pleasant thing to think about but unfortunately, a responsible person with a business has to think about it. You could be responsible for the loss of life if they lose their life because they can’t get out of your business. Avoid this possibility by investing in panic bars. You will not regret the decision because if nothing else, it will give you peace-of-mind.


North Druid Hills Locksmith

24/7 Professional Locksmiths
Dispatch Address: 2075 Lavista Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30329
Email: service@northdruidhillslocksmith.com
Phone: (404) 902-5153